Gold jewellery is precious, so deciding to pawn it for a cash loan takes some careful thought. To keep away from surprises along the way, you’ll want to know what to expect like any other new experience. When deciding to pawn your gold jewellery, here’s what you can expect.
You can expect the process to be simple and quick
The process is simple. There are no lengthy forms that require being filled and there are no credit checks that need to be performed. You will just have to produce your photo ID along with your gold jewellery and you must be over 18 years of age. The entire process is clear-cut and hassle-free, which is exactly what you are looking for when it comes to borrowing money.
You can expect the jewellery to be in secure hands
Both in terms of monetary and sentimental value, your jewellery is precious to you. You’ll certainly not want to keep worrying about the safety of your jewellery during your loan’s tenure. At Mega Cash, we take safety seriously, so your possessions will be kept in a high-security safe and shielded by a number of genuine security systems.
You can anticipate a friendly service
At Mega Cash, we pride ourselves on being friendly to all who come to us. Before taking the final decision to pawn your gold jewellery, know that we are here to assist, in case, you have any questions or you’re anxious about the process. Before deciding to submit your gold jewellery into our care, it’s imperative to clear all your doubts by asking us, as many questions that come to your mind.
You can expect a speedy pawn loan
Your pawn loan will be approved on the same day you bring your gold jewellery. There is no waiting period to avail your cash loan in Sydney. You’ll get the cash loan in your hand immediately.
You can expect a flexible pawn loan
At Mega Cash, we have a pawn loan period of 3 months. During the loan period, you can redeem your goods at any time by just paying the interest accrued to date. If you want to lengthen the loan period, you can do so by paying the interest at the end of the 3 months.
Final words
Now you’ll have a better idea of what to really expect when pawning your gold jewellery to get pawn loan in Sydney. Apart from pawning your gold, you can also sell gold jewellery as well as sell scrap gold. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you want to get any further assistance.