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We will lend against any goods that we feel we would be able to resell should the customer not redeem them. From Mobile phones and jewellery, to high end watchs, Cars and boats!

Mega Cash will lend from $20 to $1,000,000 if the item is right.

Some of our stores have different interest rates, ranging from 25-30% per month. This interest rate is calculated every month or part there of. Call your closest store to find out their rates.

No! At Mega Cash we like to keep it simple. We dont believe in hidden or extra fees.

The initial loan period is 3 months. You may redeem your goods at any time during the loan period. The loan can be extended should an interest payment equal to your monthly fee be made.

You will need a combination of identification forms that satisfy the following.

  • Name and address
  • D.O.B. (issued by a government body)
  • Signature

If you dont redeem your goods, they will be sold through the shop or online to recover the money we lent you. If the end of your loan term is up but you still wish to keep your goods, contact us asap and see if we are able to hold them a little longer. Not redeeming your goods does not affect your credit score.